Last week I got the pleasure of photographing the Warner family with their new baby boy. I was super excited to be asked to come in for a lifestyle newborn session because, Lena, the mom is also a local newborn photographer, so to me it's a huge compliment to be asked!
Their oldest baby is only 18 months, so it was fun to try and capture the family dynamics happening currently. Parents are often worried that their photos won't turn out as "pinterest perfect" as they've seen due the chaos, lighting, or how they look postpartum. But I always remind them that these images reflect a time in your lives for you to look back on in 5, 10, 20 years. You may not think that the grumpy toddler sitting on the other end of the couch from the family is adorable today, but in 20 years I guarantee you'll treasure the image and the memory.