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Newborn : Fort Langley Newborn Photography

This newborn session was special to me, as I photographed this Fort Langley family at the beginning of 2018 as they were announcing to their two older children, that much anticipated, baby number three was coming. Well.... flash forward to Dec 2019 and they welcomed baby number four!!!!

I'm always honoured when I get to photograph these guys, as they're simply stunning. I was able to meet baby P just after Christmas, and his three older siblings were simply the sweetest, even 18 month old baby O... who just got promoted to older brother.

These are hands down some of my favourite sibling shots to date. Sibling photography can be so unpredictable, as they are often toddlers who are unsure of the new baby, or how to act in front of the baby, or perhaps are a little too 'hands-on' with the new baby. I've had to bribe, compose in photoshop, hide candy under a baby, and even just throw my hands up in the air and admit that it won't happen (in the rarest of cases), but these guys were pro's. I was warned that the 18 month old wasn't going to be too happy being close to their new sibling, but the older kids set such a wonderful energy and tone to the session, and were so well behaved and eager, that we couldn't keep him out of the images. He hammed it up, smiled, had gentle touches and was a delight!

No wonder this family keeps making babies! Look how perfect they all are!!!

I've also realized that portrait images are not displaying correctly..... so if it looks like a super odd crop (like just a baby's arm and face cut off, that's probably why... I'm working on it)

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