When Christina asked me to do a family session to celebrate her youngest's first birthday, I was beyond excited. And then she asked me to add some photos of her baby wearing and the process of wrapping him... and I got nervous. I wasn't entirely sure of what the actual process was, any time that I attempted to wear my youngest in a structured wrap it involved a complicated process of bending, stretching, swearing and sweating.
My fears were unfounded though, as it turns out - Christina is an active member of a Vancouver baby wearing group and made it look easy and graceful. Who knew? In fact, I was so mesmerized by her back carry and the way she was able to swing her baby up I completely missed it on camera the first time because I was staring in awe. Oops.
I'll post the rest of her family photos soon, but I was so captivated by our final images that they needed their own entry.